Notice of Open Meeting and Vote to Close Part of the Meeting
Board of Regents
Friday, June 26, 2015, 1 p.m.
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Posted: June 24, 2015, 1 p.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Northwest Missouri State University Board of Regents will conduct a meeting in Room 1226 of the Hubbard Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the campus of Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri, at 1 p.m., Friday, June 26, 2015.
The tentative agenda of this meeting, at 1 p.m., includes:
Consent Items
- 2.01: Roll Call
- 2.02: May 1, 2015 Board of Regents Meeting Minutes
Informational Presentations
- 3.01: Legislative Update (The Honorable Dan Hegeman, Missouri State Senator and the Honorable Allen Andrews, Missouri State Representative)
- 3.02: Campus Master Plan (Facilities Director Allen Mays)
New Business
Academic/Student Affairs/Governance Committee (Provost Timothy Mottet, Vice President Matt Baker, Committee Chair Gene Dorrel and Mark Hargens)
- 4.01: Curriculum Proposals (Provost Mottet)
- 4.02: Faculty Appointments (Provost Mottet)
- 4.03: Faculty Handbook Revision (Provost Mottet and VP Bond)
- 4.04: School Approval (Provost Mottet)
- 4:05: USDA Grant Approval (Provost Mottet)
- 4.06: Position Approval (VP Bond)
- 4:07: Infectious Disease Prevention Policy (VP Baker)
Finance Committee (Vice President Stacy Carrick, Committee Chair Joe Bosse, Pat Harr and John Richmond)
- 4:08: Kurzweil Education Incorporated Contract (VP Baker)
- 4:9: CampusClarity/LawRoom Contract (VP Baker)
- 4.10: Microsoft Contract (VP Carrick)
- 4.11: Northwest Missouri State University and Northwest Foundation, Inc. Agreement (VP Johnson and VP Carrick)
- 4.12: Miscellaneous Fee Update (VP Carrick)
- 4.13: FY16 Education & General and Auxiliary Services Budgets (President Jasinski and VP Carrick)
- 5.01: Motion to adjourn the opening meeting
Closed Session
The tentative agenda of this meeting may also include a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to R.S. Mo 610.021(1)(2)(3)(13).
- Legal actions, Cause of Action, Litigation or privileged communications between the Board/University’s Representative and its attorney: §610.021(1) R.S. Mo.
- Lease, Purchase or Sale of Real Estate: §610.021(2) R.S. Mo.
- Hiring, Firing, Disciplining or Promoting Employees: §610.021(3) R.S. Mo.
- Individually Identifiable Personnel Records: §610.021(13) R.S. Mo.
The news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
Lynne Gilbert
Secretary to the Board of Regents
Northwest Missouri State University
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468